

Application icon
We want to help make the application process easy for you. Please review the steps below and if you have additional questions, you can contact Leia Patsilevas at 724-935-5470 or [email protected] in our programs office. We hope to see you at The Woodlands soon.

Summer camp registration opens on March 19 at 10am. 

We’re excited to let you know about some changes to streamline the registration for The Woodlands’ weekend retreats, clubs, and camps. The registration process will be faster, more convenient, and secure with less paperwork. Also, it’s environmentally friendly!

It’s easy! And we’re here to help! Click on the registration link, https://woodlands.campbrainregistration.com/, to be guided through a step by step process.

All participants new or returning are required to complete an online application prior to requesting programs within the current season.

You will be contacted to schedule an intake assessment.

First-time Woodlands participants: It is required that all new participants complete an intake assessment prior to attending The Woodlands’ programs so that we can ensure this is the appropriate setting. You will be contacted by our offices to schedule your intake assessment once you have submitted your online application and physical form.


Pick your program

The Woodlands’ programs are divided into four age groups. The categories and age ranges are: Children (6 – 12), Teen (13-21), Young Adult (22 – 29) and Adult (30+). They can be found HERE.

Register for Camps, Clubs or Weekend Retreat Programs

All applications and registrations are now online here! Please complete and submit the appropriate online form(s) for each program in which you would like to enroll. Please note that this is only a request and does not guarantee your spot.

Please do not send payment until you have received enrollment confirmation and invoice via email.

After you have received a confirmation and invoice, follow the included payment instructions in order to secure your spot at camp. This does not apply to those using waiver funds. If using waiver funds, your spot is not secured until The Woodlands receives a confirmation from your service coordinator. Once we have received confirmation of your waiver funds, you will receive a confirmation from The Woodlands that your spot is reserved.